Pleasure Rating 1 2 3 4 5
Difficulty Rating 1 2 3 4 5
Click here for Map of Little Yosemite
Although the title might be deceiving, Little Yosemite is a fabulous and little known hiking gem for families to explore. Located in the East Bay's Sunol-Ohlone Regional Wilderness, this 4.5 mile loop is a perfect day hike for those who enjoy beautiful undulating hillsides, rock climbing adventures, geological exploration, and discovery of local flora and fauna. Although dwarfed in comparison to the real Yosemite Valley, this miniature rock formation area with trickling waterfalls is like its cute baby sister.
The warm late autumn afternoons can be a fun time to visit, but the waterfalls and "no-snake threat" time of winter and spring are probably the best times to visit. Rattlesnakes and vipers are common and are often found sunning on rocks in summer. Summer can also pose problems strictly due to sun exposure and heat. But no matter what the season, it truly is a spectacular day excursion and loads of fun for all.
Let's Get Hiking!
Bring lots of water and plenty of snacks, but lunch is even better because there is a perfect picnic table waiting for you at your destination. Start by parking at the Old Green Barn visitors center and begin your hike on the Indian Joe Trail. Indian Joe will intersect with Canyon View Trail. Start your assent onto Canyon View Trail. This narrow uphill trail will zigzag across the hillsides, presenting lovely views of the Sunol Ohlone Wilderness. You might see a few birds, possibly hear the echoing winds rushing through the tiny canyon ahead, and even the mooing of cows in the distance. The smell of grass and chaparral, and the site of lush countryside that is so wild and free makes you feel like you've escaped from the busy bay area and into a pastoral paradise.
After a fun hikeabout, you can return to the visitors center by double backing on Canyon View Trail, or make it a loop by taking Camp Ohlone Road downhill. This 1.5- 2 mile stretch will take you down the base of the beautiful hills and wind you back down to the heart of the valley and the parking lot.
This is a perfect family hike, giving just enough challenge and adventure for all to enjoy. Sunol Ohlone has so much to offer, but Little Yosemite is one of my favorites.
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